Doss - Two things you should take away from this photo.
1. Things can always be worse than you have them, so get off your ass and don't let the surgery you down.
2. The guy has a friend out there motivating him - so lets get moving mister.
Doss. . . just remember. . . things could always be worse
Luau !!!
The missus is inviting some of her friends from the office over for an evening luau.
It should prove to be an entertaining night of good old-fashioned fornicating and competitive drinking.
There will be a few rules for our guests though.
Rule 1. Please feel free to bring a friend but remember two things - if you don't want to sleep with them, no one else will either so your popularity may rise or fall depending on what your companion looks like. - and two-
- (filthy rich rockstars and supermodels in the habit of throwing money around need not worry - but the rest of the crowd better look sharp and behave or you'll find yourself taking your drinks on the curb.)
Rule 2.
Please bring a snack
Rule 3.
Please bring a towel
We look forward to seeing you all the 24th and until then, Mahalo
The Thinker
Under the weather?
The "Third Place"
I feel a bit lost - in my effort to put my feeling into words - regarding my days spent in that most famous of "Third Places."
-As a child I imagined a future in which I pondered the great riddles of life and discovered the purpose of things as my days on Earth passed and the answers unfolded in time.
-These days, I seem focused on smaller matters - like how anyone can order a skinny mocha with extra whipped cream and manage to keep a straight face.